Cheap Professional Video Dolly

  Camera motivation
  1, the performance itself requires the camera to move, such as a person getting up from the chair and toward the window, then the camera moves with her is very reasonable. Although this movement is not necessary, but certainly one way to show the plot.
  2, whether it is camera dolly began to move, stop or Pingyao lens, there should be purpose, the motivation for moving may just switch the movie to a new screen to go. The new picture should include new information, and its method of making sense, not "the camera moved to this place."
  One of the important parts of this is that the camera should "settle" for a while at the end of any move, it must "show" the new picture and pause at the clip for at least a beat. If you want to attach a still shot behind this shot, pause is very important.

Sevenoak camera dolly
   Scaled Camera Dolly SK-DW03

  Sevenoak Scaled Camera Dolly SK-DW03 is a sturdy and smooth camera table dolly specially designed for your home videos. It features adjustable aluminum rods, scale marks, rubber wheels, 1/4” screw thread and 3/8” screw hole etc.
  Approx size: 15*20 (W*L)cm
  Weight: 0.64 KG
  Notice: The color of this item has been changed since 2016.

  Especially when the start and end of the camera movement are driven by the subject, the time points of the movement of the subject and the subject must be matched and the speed must be precisely controlled during the movement. If the camera dolly at full speed "start", and then suddenly brakes, shoot certainly not what you want to see the screen. In most cases, photographers want the camera dolly to go "feathery" light.

  The movement of the camera itself may also be purpose-oriented, for example, by moving a new perspective that can reveal new information and view the scene. The camera may move to shoot someone, or pull back to a long shot. Unobtrusive camera movement distracts the viewer, pulling the viewer out of the plot and realizing they are watching a movie. But such a move is also useful, especially in very stylized movies.

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The most versatile, portable, and affordable camera dolly for you

How to Use a Sevenoak Camera Dolly