The Top Best Inexpensive camera rig

How to use the equipment on hand to shoot a better picture is the eternal topic in the film and television creation. Many beginners to see the pictures of the beautiful pictures of sports lenses will envy, at the same time feeling no slide, rocker and other professional equipment. At this time, we may wish to carefully look at the equipment at hand to see if we can find more creative use, to create some unexpected results. The camera rig as a small slide If you take one leg out of the camera rig , you can move your camera back and forth smoothly using the remaining two legs as a fulcrum. However, do not forget to move your camera forward and backward carefully when you lean on the camera. This allows you to maintain smooth lens structure while providing smooth movement. Shoulder Support Camera Rig mini SK-VC01 Sevenoak SK-VC01 is a highly compact and light-weight aluminum shoulder support Camera rig specifically used for small DV, 4/3 cameras and small DSLR...