A Video Camera Stabilizer You Can Count On to get stable video

  From the beginner to the tenured pro, here at Sevenoak Camera Stabilizers, we believe everyone should have access to quality camera gear. With the , you can take control of your video footage by giving your camera stability in a variety of shooting situations.
  The sevenoak comes in 2 sizes, the Sevenoak is designed for the lightweight camera setup, alternatively the sevenoak has larger camera and accessory functionality.

  The top of either sevenoak Video Camera Stabilizer has three mounting areas perfect for a LCD screen, LED light, Microphone Shock Mount or any of your favorite camera gear! There are also 2 mounts on the bottom crossbar that can fit a digital recorder or other devices.

  Advanced camera stabilizers are becoming cheaper and cheaper these days, but if you’re the type of person who enjoys building the things you use.
  Watch the step-by-step guide here:
  if you own another small video camera or a smart phone, you can easily adapt the design to suit what ever you have, as long as you understand the principles,”

sevenoak camera stabilizer

    It’s a fun, low-tech way to add a bit of stability to your shots.
  “I have greatly simplified this build from the previous design, so that it is easier to make and uses less Lego, so will cost less to build than the previous design if you don’t already have enough Lego lying around from your childhood,” he says. “I like making things and I like making camera stabilisers, they appeal to me because of the principles and the fine tuning involved.”
  “But if making things is not where your passion lies and you just want to get straight to the filming, camera stabilisers are now so inexpensive, it would make much more sense to just purchase one.”

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